12 Worst Real Estate Marketing Tips Marketers Have Ever Heard | askBAMLand

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Ever heard that print advertising for real estate is a bygone necessity?

You're not alone, and you're not hearing the best advice either.

The world of real estate marketing is littered with outdated strategies and myths that can derail even the most promising property listing.

Let's set the record straight: myths like "the more you spend on marketing, the better" or "you don't need professional photos" do more harm than good.

In this ever-evolving market, understanding the nuances of effective marketing strategies is crucial.

We've got the inside scoop on the worst advice that's still circulating and the reasons why following such guidance can lead you to miss out on potential buyers.

Equipped with the right information, you'll be ready to navigate the real estate marketing landscape with confidence.

Key Takeaways

  • Effective marketing relies on up-to-date strategies, not outdated tactics.
  • Professionalism in presentation and follow-up is essential.
  • Investing wisely in marketing and SEO can lead to significant returns.

Table of Contents

Price the Home Well Above Market Value to Leave Room for Negotiations

Ever heard the old chestnut about setting your home's price sky-high to give yourself a little 'wiggle room' for negotiations?

Let's unpack why this strategy might just cause more problems than solutions.

When you list your home, you might think, "Hey, why not aim high?

Buyers will throw offers my way, and we'll meet somewhere in the middle, right?" Wrong.

Here’s the scoop:

The Drawbacks:

  • A Ghost Town: Price too high and your house becomes the loneliest on the block. Buyers see the steep tag, do a U-turn, and head for better deals.
  • Sitting Duck: The longer your home sits, the more buyers wonder, "What's wrong with it?"
  • The Price Drop Dance: Eventually, you may have to cut the price, often below what would’ve been a fair starting point. "Ouch" for your wallet and your pride!
  • Market Savvy Buyers: Today's buyers are more informed than ever. They'll sniff out an inflated price faster than you can say "market value".

Instead, consider this: Aim for a strategic price point.


  • Get Real: Talk to real estate pros who can compare your home to similar ones in the area.
  • Trust the Process: A well-priced home generates interest, and interest can lead to that bidding war you were hoping for.
  • K.I.S.S.: Keep It Smart, Seller. A fair price can actually draw in more offers and potentially sell your home faster and for more money.

So, before you jack up that price tag, think about the buyers who are out there, ready and waiting to find a good match.

Play fair, and the right offer might just come knocking on your door!

The More You Spend on Marketing, the Better

Hey there!

You've probably heard the saying, "You have to spend money to make money," right?

But when it comes to real estate marketing, does forking over a heap of cash always mean you'll reel in more clients?

Let's unpack that a bit.

Firstly, it’s vital to consider Return on Investment (ROI) when you’re pouring dollars into your marketing efforts.

It’s not just about the quantity spent; it’s where and how you invest that budget.

Imagine splurging on a fancy billboard without researching if your target audience even drives that route.

You might as well be throwing your dollars into a gusty wind!

Now, picture this: with a targeted marketing strategy, you could use social media adverts aimed right at your ideal demographic, and it could cost you far less than that big sign by the highway.

Plus, when you consider that most homebuyers start their search online, doesn't it seem wiser to put your money where the virtual eyes are?

Here's the deal:

  • Not all marketing expenses are created equal. Just because a technique is pricey doesn’t mean it's effective.
  • Quality over quantity. It’s better to have a few high-impact campaigns than many that don’t strike a chord with potential buyers or sellers.
  • Know your audience. Failing to understand who you’re marketing to is like trying to catch fish in a swimming pool. Not going to happen!

Remember, the key is to allocate your budget smartly, not just liberally.

Ever heard of the 80/20 rule?

It suggests that 80% of your results often come from 20% of your efforts.

Apply that to your marketing, and you’ll likely see a bigger impact from focused investments rather than a scattershot approach.

So, before you decide to up your marketing spend, think about the strategy behind each dollar.

A thoughtful, well-planned marketing campaign, tailored to meet your goals, is what makes the real difference—not just the price tag.

Happy selling!

Open Houses Are a Waste of Time

Have you ever thrown a party where you went all out, cooking and decorating, only to have a handful of people show up?

It's a common belief that open houses are the real estate equivalent, soaking up time and energy for little to no return.

Let's sort fact from fiction, shall we?

Exposure vs.

Efficiency You might've heard that open houses are practically prehistoric in the age of the internet.

Sure, online listings are crucial, but can they replace the first-hand experience of walking through a home?

Here's the thing: not every sale comes through an open house, but they do invite potential buyers—a mix of nosy neighbors and serious shoppers—who might not book a viewing otherwise.

  • Timing Is Everything: Schedule smart and be aware that an off-peak time can lead to crickets rather than crowds.
  • Marketing Mastery: Don't rely solely on an open house sign. Effective online advertising can make or break your open house success.

Remember, 75% of real estate agents believe in the power of Sunday showings.

It seems there’s still some magic left in the old-school open house charm.

Creative or Crickets?

Now, let's think outside the box.

Maybe the standard setup isn't cutting it.

Have you tried getting creative with your space to make it memorable?

It's not just about opening doors; it's staging a scene that sells itself.

At the end of the day, it's your call.

Lean into the marketing mix with both digital prowess and the tangible allure of an open house.

It could just tip the scales in your favor.

And who knows?

The next open house you host might just land you the deal of the century—or at least the deal of the block.

Staging Isn't Necessary

Have you ever been told that you absolutely must stage your

home to get a sale?

Let's unpack that.

The old belief that staging is non-negotiable in the real estate market might not hold as true as some marketers insist.

  1. Statistics to Consider:
  1. Homes staged by professionals sell at a rate three to 30 times faster than non-staged ones.
  2. Staged homes can see a price increase of up to 20%.

While these numbers paint a tempting picture, remember, staging isn't without costs.

Engaging a professional stager and renting décor isn't exactly pocket change!

The flip side?

Sometimes, the natural charm of an unstaged home can strike the perfect chord with buyers looking for a genuine, lived-in feel.

  1. Pros and Cons:
  1. Pros: Faster sale, potentially higher price
  2. Cons: Additional costs, generic feel could off-put certain buyers

Ever walked into a place and it felt a tad too... perfect?

Like a showroom rather than a potential home?

There's your downside.

You're aiming for buyers to walk in and see themselves filling the space with their own memories.

That's a bit tougher when the setting screams 'catalog spread'.

So, why the insistence that staging is a 'must-do'?

Consider this:

  1. Pressure from Industry Numbers:
  1. Reality check: Not everyone follows the staging mantra.
  2. A personalized, unstaged home could be the unique selling point you didn't know you had.

Remember, it's your call at the end of the day.

Sure, play it by the book with staging, or, dare to show off your home's authentic appeal and tackle the market unstaged.

It's a strategy that just might resonate more than you'd think!

Print Advertising is Dead

Hey, have you heard the one about print advertising being six feet under?

It seems to be a favorite at the digital marketing table.

But let's take a quick reality check—is it really all doom and gloom for print ads in your real estate marketing plan?

Think about it: when was the last time a glossy brochure caught your eye, or you took a second glance at a well-designed real estate flyer?

Your hands don’t lie—they still love the feel of that paper!

Let me hit you with a couple of quick numbers that might just surprise you:

  • In 2023, print ad spending was estimated to stay robust at $40,019 million.
  • Newspapers weren't far behind, potentially attracting $24,986 million by 2025.

Now, I'm not saying throw all your eggs in the print basket, but those figures don't scream "extinct" now, do they?

Here’s the real deal: digital marketing is key—yeah, you know it, I know it—but dismissing print as yesterday’s news might mean missing out on connecting with certain people.

In fact, in some demographics, print has a charm and authenticity that could complement your snazzy online presence.

  • Tangible connection: There's something about holding a piece of print that feels personal and real.
  • Break from screens: Ever think about how many hours you stare at a screen? A physical ad can be a welcome break.

So, before you write off print advertising as the stuff of marketing lore, consider how a balanced approach could be your ticket to a full house in real estate.

Isn't it worth a shot?

Social Media Isn't Important for Real Estate

Whoever said that social media isn't crucial in today's real estate marketing clearly hasn't seen the statistics.

Did you know that most potential buyers are scrolling right now, looking for their dream home on various social platforms?

Here's the real deal:

  • Visual Impact: You’ve seen how a picture is worth a thousand words, right? Well, imagine the power of a video tour or a 360-view posted on social media.
  • User Engagement: Quick question, when was the last time you got interested in a property because of an engaging post you saw online?
  • Brand Building: Your presence on social media isn't just about selling properties; it's about establishing your brand—being the friendly and trusted real estate expert in your area.

What not to forget:

  • Platforms like TikTok and YouTube are changing the game.
  • Being an early adopter can put you ahead of the curve.

Let's break it down with a simple example:

  1. You post a catchy video of a new listing.
  2. People watch it, like it, share it—and boom—you’ve just reached hundreds, if not thousands, with minimal effort.
  3. Someone tags their friend who's house-hunting. Your video, your contact information, all just a click away.

Now imagine if you skipped the social media route.

Your listings would have to rely on traditional methods—which, let's face it, aren't as instantaneous or widespread.

So, is social media important for real estate?

You bet it is!

And it's not just a passing trend; it’s a strategy for connecting, engaging, and showcasing properties to a broader audience.

What's not to love about that?

You Don't Need Professional Photos

Have you ever chuckled at those "fails" in real estate photos?

You know, a mirror selfie with the realtor in frame, or that mysterious room that's way too dark to make out any detail?

It's a bit of a running joke, but let's get real for a second: despite the laughs, professional photos are a cornerstone of effective real estate marketing.

Why do top-notch pics make a difference?

  • They're often a potential buyer's first glimpse of your property.
  • Quality imagery can make your listing stand out in the vast ocean of online real estate ads.
  • Statistically speaking, listings with professional photos tend to sell quicker and sometimes even for a higher price.

So, what are you actually telling potential buyers if you skip on professional photos?

  • Your property isn't worth the effort: Lackluster photos might send a message that you don't believe in the value of your listing.
  • You're not in tune with the times: Given that most property searches begin online, crisp, clear, and well-composed images are more likely to catch a buyer's attention.

Visual Appeal by the Numbers:

Aspect Impact
Clarity Attracts more views
Composition Engages buyers longer
Lighting Highlights the best features

You wouldn't show up to a job interview in pajamas, right?

So why let your property make a first impression in anything less than its Sunday best?

Steer clear of playing into the mantra that "you don't need professional photos," because in the competitive market of real estate, quality visuals are not just a recommendation—they're a requirement.

Neglecting to Follow Up with Leads

Hey there, have you ever played the waiting game with someone who never called you back?

Imagine being that lead who was just as excited about a potential home buy but—you guessed it—never heard back from the agent.

That's a surefire way to watch a deal vanish into thin air.

Let's break it down:

  1. Immediate Response: Did you know your chance of converting a lead drops dramatically with every minute you delay? If you’re slow to follow up, you may as well wave goodbye to that lead.
  2. Systematic Approach: A follow-up system is like a trusty recipe; it just works. Stats point out that agents with a systematic follow-up process conduct 12% more transactions. That's more happy dances at the bank for you!
  3. Consistency is Key: Following up isn’t a one-and-done deal. Stay in touch, nurture the relationship, and show that you're in it for the long haul. Your persistence pays off in customer loyalty. And who knows? They might just refer you to friends down the line!
  4. Follow-Up Techniques: Mix it up with:
  1. Automated texts
  2. Personalized emails
  3. Friendly phone calls
  4. The occasional coffee meet-up

Consider this: the art of the follow-up is not just about persistence; it’s about reminding your leads, "Hey, I'm here for you when you’re ready!" That personal touch could be the difference between a 'For Sale' sign and a 'Sold' one on the lawn.

Remember, you're not just selling a house; you're building a relationship.

Those leads are your future clients, so treat them like VIP guests at your party of success.

Happy following up!

SEO Isn't Worth the Investment

Have you ever heard someone claim that investing in SEO for your real estate business is a waste of money?

It's baffling, right?

After all, when you consider that searching online is how the majority of potential buyers and sellers start their real estate journey, dismissing SEO seems like a shocking oversight.

So, why do some people push this notion aside?

Let's break it down:

Myth: SEO doesn't lead to tangible results.

  • Fact: SEO is a long-term play. It's not a quick fix, but it creates a solid foundation for your online presence, and the results can be both significant and measurable.

Myth: SEO is too technical and complex.

  • Reality Check: Yes, SEO has its technical aspects, but you don't need to be a tech wizard to see improvements. Simple changes and consistent content updates can work wonders.

Consider this:

  • Better Visibility: SEO makes your website easily discoverable for those specific, local phrases people type when looking for real estate services.
  • Cost-Effective Marketing: Compared to traditional marketing efforts—think direct mail at over a dollar per piece—SEO offers a more affordable and sustainable way to reach your audience.

Want another number to chew on?

Reports suggest that 49% of marketers believe organic search provides the best ROI.

Organic search—yep, that's SEO!

Before you write off SEO, ask yourself: Can you really afford to be invisible online when the vast majority of the market is searching there?

Your neighborhood coffee shop wouldn't skip the sign out front, so why skip SEO, the digital sign for your real estate business?

Virtual Tours Are Unnecessary

Ever been told that virtual tours are kind of like socks on a rooster—utterly unnecessary?

Let's talk turkey about why this could be one of the worst tips you've heard.

Firstly, are you always a little skeptical of what you see online?

Sure, images can be worth a thousand words, but videos and virtual tours offer a 360° storyline that photos alone can't narrate.

We're living in a world where you can order groceries from your couch and FaceTime your grandma across the country.

Potential buyers expect that same comfort when shopping for their next nest.

Imagine this: You're juggling work, kids, and life.

Driving across town—or the country—to peek at every potential home?

Not on your jam-packed to-do list.

Virtual tours are the superheroes swooping in to save the day.

They let you vet properties without ever stepping foot inside, whittling down your shortlist from 20 to the top 3 contenders faster than you can say "escrow."

But hey, here's the kicker: while you're crossing properties off your list, you're probably adding them just as quickly because virtual tours throw open the doors to far more options.

Got an eye on a quaint suburban spot but you're tied up in the city with meetings?

No sweat.

A virtual tour has got your back.

Why call virtual tours unnecessary when they:

  • Expand visibility for properties far and wide.
  • Allow you to visit multiple homes in a fraction of the time.
  • Provide a 24/7 open house experience—check out homes in your PJs!

So, are virtual tours just a fancy frill in real estate marketing?

Not by a long shot.

They're as necessary as that morning cup of Joe before heading to the office.

With buyers yearning for convenience, claiming virtual tours are unnecessary might just be the blunder to avoid.

Copy and Paste Property Descriptions

Hey there!

Ever stumbled upon a property listing that felt like déjà vu?

Maybe the description sounded eerily similar to the one you read two minutes ago?

That's right, we're diving into the peculiar world of 'copy and paste' property descriptions.

Now, let's get real.

You know as well as I do that every property is unique, just like snowflakes.

Then why on Earth would you use the same stale blurb for different homes?

It's like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole—it just doesn't make sense.

  • Creativity? Out the window.
  • Attention to detail? Nope, not here.
  • Charm and personality? As missing as that one sock from the dryer.

Let's break it down:

  1. Personalization: Or should we say the lack thereof? Your property deserves its own spotlight, shining bright like a diamond, not a copycat intro that yawns "been there, read that."
  2. SEO Nightmares: Search engines are pretty smart, aren't they? Duplicate content doesn't sit well with them, and they might just give your listing the cold shoulder.

So, what's the bottom line?

Be unique, be fresh, and for heaven's sake, don't sell your fabulous property short with a borrowed description.

After all, it's not just a house, it's someone's future 'Home Sweet Home.'

And there's no place like home, right?

So, give your listings the love they deserve with descriptions that pop, not flop!

Ignore Online Reviews and Feedback

Have you ever heard that turning a blind eye to online reviews and feedback can simplify your life as a real estate marketer?

Well, let me tell you, that's one of the worst pieces of advice out there!


Because in the digital age, reviews are like the gossip of the internet - everyone reads them, and they can spread like wildfire.

Believe it or not, the vast majority of potential clients will check out reviews before ever setting foot in your open house or making a call.

They want the scoop, and they trust the experiences of past clients.

Here's the skinny on reviews:

  • Positive Feedback? It's your digital high-five! It builds credibility and trust.
  • Negative Feedback? It's not the end of the world! Consider it free advice on how to get better.

Responding to reviews can show the human side of your real estate business.

And guess what?

People love knowing there's a person behind that professional profile who's willing to listen.

Moreover, taking the time to engage means you're willing to go the extra mile.

Isn't that a reputation you'd want?

Do’s of Review Handling Don’ts of Review Handling
Respond quickly Ignore the review
Show appreciation Get defensive
Offer solutions Use generic responses

Quick tip: Keeping replies genuine and kind can turn a critic into a fan, or at least show onlookers that you're the type of professional who cares.

So, should you ignore online reviews?

Absolutely not!

Roll up your sleeves, type out a heartfelt response, and watch as your brand's reputation gets that extra sheen.

Remember, it's all about making connections, and every review is a chance to do just that!


Brittany Melling

Brittany Melling

Brittany has been in the land business since 2020 when the world was starting to shut down. Since then, we’ve sold to dozens of people from ATV weekend warriors to camping enthusiasts to retired truck drivers. Our inventory spans mostly in the western United States. We’ve been trained by experience, land acquisition courses, and hundreds of hours meeting with county assessors and clerks, zoning officials, realtors, and land investors. We’ve answered hundreds of questions from people regarding the buying and use of land.

Read More About Brittany Melling