10 Urban Vertical Farms for Efficient Use of Space | askBAMLand

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Imagine a farm not in the countryside, but in your city's skyline.

It's real and it's spectacular!

Vertical farming in urban landscapes is redefining agriculture.

Imagine fresh produce grown right where you live; this is no small feat.

Urban vertical farms are not just a fad; they are a beacon of efficiency in the use of space.

With cities becoming more crowded, and the demand for locally-grown food on the rise, these innovative farming practices provide a sustainable solution.

They utilize vertical space and controlled environments to maximize crop yields, reduce transportation costs, and minimize carbon footprints.

Key Takeaways

  • Vertical farms utilize urban space efficiently.
  • They enable local, sustainable produce year-round.
  • These farms represent smart agriculture in action.

Table of Contents

AeroFarms (Newark, New Jersey)

Have you ever strolled through a farm in a warehouse?

At AeroFarms in Newark, New Jersey, it's the reality!

Imagine a 69,000-square-foot space, repurposing an abandoned steel mill, where leafy greens and herbs rise in towering pillars.

What's the secret?


This cutting-edge tech suspends plants in the air while nourishing them with a mist, a method that is gentle on our planet, slashing water usage by an astonishing 95%.

Sounds like science fiction, doesn't it?

Here's what's truly impressive: AeroFarms prides itself on saying no to pesticides and yes to efficiency, cultivating produce year-round in their controlled, indoor environment.

And they're not just playing in the minor leagues.

With a whopping annual yield of 2 million pounds, this place is a vertical farming powerhouse.

  • Location: Newark, New Jersey
  • Size: 69,000 square feet
  • Production: 2 million pounds of greens annually
  • Technique: Aeroponic

You might be curious—what does that even look like?

Picture farmers in hazmat suits, with rubber gloves and hairnets, tending to neat rows of greens.

It’s like a garden party from the future!

Their setup?

Stacks of lettuce-growing systems reach to the ceiling, a true testament to space efficiency.

Not your typical farm view, right?

With heavy hitters like Goldman Sachs and Prudential Financial backing them, AeroFarms is shooting for the stars.

By bringing farms into the heart of the city, they're setting a sky-high standard for urban agriculture.

The next time you bite into a crisp, fresh salad, just think—it might have come from up high, rather than out wide!

Gotham Greens (Brooklyn, New York)

Have you heard of Gotham Greens?

Right on the rooftops of Brooklyn, New York, this innovative company is turning heads with its stunning urban greenhouses.

Not just a feast for the eyes, these hydroponic farms are revolutionizing the way we think about urban agriculture.

What's the big deal?

Well, picture sunny days in Brooklyn and a skyline dotted with lush greenhouses.

These aren't your ordinary greenhouses; they're high-tech, hydroponic wonders, producing fresh, pesticide-free greens and herbs year-round.

And we're not speaking about a tiny garden patch here – it's a big deal, with Gotham Greens operating facilities boasting nearly 200,000 square feet of growing space.

Why does it matter to you?

  • Freshness: Imagine buying veggies that were probably still rooted this morning. That's fresh!
  • Local: Less travel time from farm to table means less carbon footprint.
  • Sustainable: Pesticide-free and powered by 100% clean energy? That's food you can feel good about.

How did they grow?

Starting in 2009, Gotham Greens has not just grown plants but also their business with savvy investments and a dedication to sustainability.

They've recently raised a whopping $29 million in growth equity funding, cementing their place as a key player in the urban farming game.

Sure, they're not the only urban farming initiative out there, but their approach – combining technology with time-tested farming methods – makes them stand out.

Whether it's their efficient use of space or their commitment to local communities, Gotham Greens in Brooklyn is truly a gem in the concrete jungle.

Square Roots (Brooklyn, New York)

Have you ever wondered how a bustling city like New York can keep up with the demand for fresh produce?

Square Roots might just be the answer you're looking for.

Nestled in the heart of Brooklyn, this innovative venture takes an unconventional approach to traditional farming.

Imagine shipping containers — yes, the kind you see on big cargo ships — but instead of hauling goods, they're nurturing plants.

Why shipping containers, you ask?

These modular vertical farms use a method called hydroponics, where plants revel in a nutrient-rich water solution without needing soil.

It's a game-changer for urban agriculture, helping to grow delectable greens in smaller spaces with far less water than the old-school field farming.

Here's what's really cool:

  • Each farm is climate-controlled ensuring veggies get their perfect weather all year round.
  • It's agriculture with a tech twist, as they optimize growth with some serious science.

Have you heard of local food?

Square Roots champions this cause.

They're not just minimizing the space and maximizing the yield; they’re also chopping down those pesky food miles.

That basil in your pesto might have just come from down the block, traveling mere minutes to your table!

When it comes to feeding New Yorkers, Square Roots doesn't think small — their lofty aim is to provide fresh produce for everyone.

Picture this: an entire city's salad needs, met right from the converted containers of a former Pfizer Building, now an emblem of sustainable urban farming.

Don’t you think it’s pretty cool to watch farms stack up in the sky instead of sprawling over fields?

If you're in Brooklyn, stop by for a visit.

Who knows, you might just find your new favorite leafy green growing in a high-tech container!

Farm.One (New York City, New York)

Have you ever thought about where your herbs come from?

I'll let you in on a secret: not all of them come from sprawling fields or distant greenhouses.

Some, like those grown by Farm.One, spring up right here in the heart of Manhattan, reaching for the sky in a symphony of greens and purples.

What's the big deal with Farm.One?

Well, imagine fresh basil, rare mint varieties, or zesty microgreens that haven't spent days in transit.

These guys specialize in culinary delights grown vertically using hydroponics.

This technique allows plants to flourish in a controlled environment with LED lights, sans soil.

It's like a sci-fi garden, except it's real and it's spectacular!

  • Location: Manhattan, New York City
  • Specialty:
  1. Rare herbs
  2. Flavorful microgreens
  3. Edible flowers
  • Technology: Hydroponics and LED lighting
  • Purpose: Serving top-notch ingredients to local NYC restaurants

Farm.One prides themselves on fitting an incredible amount of fresh produce into a compact space.

They're not just about saving space, though; they're about maximizing flavors and nutrients too.

Next time you're savoring a dish at one of New York City's finest eateries, there's a good chance those garnishes have come from this urban gem.

So, if you crave innovation on your plate and sustainability in your city, keep an eye on Farm.One.

They're redefining what it means to be a farm in NYC, and trust me, you're going to want a taste of this future.

Bowery Farming (Kearny, New Jersey)

Ever thought about a farm thriving right in the heart of an urban jungle?

If you're nodding yes, let me introduce you to Bowery Farming, a beacon of innovation based in Kearny, New Jersey.

Imagine walking through aisles, not of cornstalks swaying in the breeze, but of leafy greens stacked high, basking in the glow of LED lights.

This isn't your grandma's farm—this is vertical farming at its finest.

Bowery Farming has taken the concept of a traditional farm and flipped it—literally.

With vertical farming, crops grow upwards in controlled environments, maximizing space and resources.

Here's the scoop:

  1. Location: Kearny, New Jersey
  2. Specialty: Pesticide-free produce grown using vertical farming tech
  3. Facts and Figures:
  1. Renewable Energy: 100% usage for operations
  2. Water Conservation: 90% less water than conventional farms
  3. Yield: 100x more produce per square foot

What's the secret sauce?

Artificial intelligence.

AI at Bowery Farming helps monitor the plants, ensuring they get exactly what they need, when they need it.

The result: happy plants and even happier taste buds.

And guess what?

This all happens just a stone's throw away from bustling New York City, making it super easy to grab some fresh greens without worrying about your carbon footprint.

Next time you're munching on a crisp, fresh salad, there's a chance it's made with greens from Bowery Farming.

Grown with care, powered by tech, and nestled in an urban setting, it's a prime example of how we can make our cities greener—both figuratively and literally.

Vertical Harvest (Jackson Hole, Wyoming)

Isn't it fascinating how a little innovation can turn a tiny patch of the earth into a powerhouse of nutrition?

That's exactly what Vertical Harvest in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, has achieved.

Imagine stacking the abundance of 10 acres of farmland onto a single lot that's merely 1/10th of an acre—that's like fitting a whole farm into your backyard!

Key Facts:

  • Location: 155 W. Simpson Avenue, Jackson, WY 83001
  • Facility Size: 13,500 square feet
  • Production Capacity: Equivalent to 10 acres of traditional farming

Ever seen a greenhouse that towers three stories high?

Now you can, because this isn't any old greenhouse – it's the pinnacle of space-efficient, year-round farming, thanks to some pretty slick hydroponic systems.

And when I say "year-round," I mean it; these greens don't take a day off, no matter how chilly Wyoming winters get!

But it gets even better.

Vertical Harvest is a beacon of social impact, providing jobs to folks in the community, some of whom have limited employment opportunities.

That's right, your salad could be supporting someone's fresh start!

So, how much food are we talking about?

A whopping 100,000 pounds of fresh produce, all while bypassing the need for long-haul trucks that used to bring in out-of-state veggies.

Can you believe it's all happening in just 13,500 square feet of space?

Let's recap some eye-catching numbers:

  • 3 stories of hydroponic systems
  • Over 80 groceries and restaurants served
  • Fresh greens 365 days a year

Every intricate leaf and crisp veggie from Vertical Harvest brings nutritional value to your plate, delight during your meals, and a bit of joy to the environment by avoiding unnecessary food miles.

Don't you just love it when your food is not only tasty but also tells a story of innovation and community?

Oishii (Kearny, New Jersey)

Have you ever bitten into a strawberry and thought, "Wow, this is next-level sweetness?" Well, that's the kind of reaction Oishii aims for with their strawberries.

Nestled in Kearny, New Jersey, Oishii has embraced vertical farming to bring you succulent strawberries in a way that's both space-efficient and eco-friendly.

What's the scoop on space?

Oishii's strawberry farm sprawls over a jaw-dropping 237,500 square feet.

For a little perspective, that's about five and a half football fields!

And they're not stopping at size; they're all about sustainability, with a focus on renewable energy.

That's right, your strawberries are not only delicious but also kind to Mother Earth.

Why vertical?

It's like a skyscraper of strawberries!

Vertical farming lets Oishii stack up the goodness, growing upwards instead of outwards.

If you're curious about the numbers, they're producing strawberries at 20 times the usual rate!

Just imagine - they're serving up sweetness more efficiently than ever before.

  • Location: Kearny, New Jersey
  • Facility Size: 237,500 square feet
  • Sustainability: Solar energy adjacent farm
  • Production Rate: 20x more strawberries

What does this mean for you?

Well, you get to enjoy these berries, knowing they're grown with care and advanced technology.

And if you're on the East Coast, rejoice!

Oishii is expanding its juicy reach to your markets.

Remember, Oishii's vertical farm is not just about stacking plants; it's about stacking flavors, experiences, and environmental consciousness on your palate.

Isn't that a delightful blend of agriculture and innovation?

Plenty (South San Francisco, California)

Have you heard about the fresh, flavorful revolution in your salad bowl?

Courtesy of Plenty, this South San Francisco-based company is changing how we think about farming.

Imagine getting your greens from a local, indoor vertical farm, where each leaf has been nurtured in a pesticide-free, high-tech haven.

Fancy, right?

  • Location: South San Francisco, California
  • Known for: Pesticide-free greens and herbs
  • Specialty: Maximizing yield with advanced technology

Plenty's vertical farming methods are quite the show-off, as they require just a sliver of water and land compared to traditional farming.

In Compton, they've taken this to the next level.

Can you believe they can produce the equivalent of 250 acres of leafy greens in much less space?

Let's put numbers to this green dream:

  • Annual Production: An estimated 4.5 million pounds of leafy greens
  • Facility Size: Equivalent to one city block

Getting in on the action, Plenty also secured a hefty $400 million in Series E funding in early 2022.

This investment doesn't just speak volumes; it's literally the largest for an indoor farming company to date.

Why all the fuss?

Because they're not just farming; they're selling the dream of complete farms to partners.

Sure, Plenty's approach is easy on the resources, but it also means fresher produce for you.

Just think, those herbs in your pesto could come from a farm that's more Silicon Valley than rustic countryside.

Not what you're used to when it comes to farming, huh?

Welcome to the future of agriculture, where Plenty is making sure you can enjoy those leafy greens with a smaller environmental footprint and a big taste advantage.

Now, isn't that something?

80 Acres Farms (Hamilton, Ohio)

Have you ever imagined a farm without the iconic image of tractors chugging along?

Well, 80 Acres Farms in Hamilton, Ohio, turns that traditional image on its head!

This farm is a trailblazer in the vertical farming industry, growing lush greens, juicy tomatoes, and aromatic herbs.

And guess what?

They manage all this without a single grain of soil!

Their secret?

A state-of-the-art indoor facility that's all about sustainability.

They've swapped out the old-school farming tools for something a bit flashier - robots and AI.

These high-tech helpers are the muscle behind the magic, ensuring that every plant gets the TLC it needs.

Let's talk numbers.

With their latest expansion, a whopping 62,000-square-foot vertical farming building, 80 Acres Farms has seriously upped the ante.

And it’s not just about size.

This farm represents a whopping $30-million investment—all focused on efficient space use and year-long growing cycles.

But what does this mean for you?

Simple: super-fresh food!

Because 80 Acres Farms is right in the heart of urban areas, the distance from farm to fork shrinks dramatically.

So, here's a snapshot of what they've achieved:

  • Innovative Indoor Farming: No need for traditional farming space.
  • Eco-Friendly: They grow everything 100% pesticide-free.
  • Technology-Driven: Robots and AI do the heavy lifting.

Isn't it something to see how farming is evolving right before our eyes?

It's a fantastic leap from the rolling fields we're used to.

Next time you munch on a salad, remember, it could be courtesy of a vertical farm like 80 Acres Farms, a modern-day agricultural marvel.

Little Leaf Farms (Devens, Massachusetts)

Ever wondered where those crisp, fresh greens in your local grocery store come from?

Let's zoom in on Little Leaf Farms, situated in Devens, Massachusetts.

What's their secret to fresh produce all year round?

Hydroponics and cutting-edge greenhouse tech!

Little Leaf Farms prides itself on their 21st-century greenhouses.


Because they're designed to give you, the consumer, sustainable, locally grown lettuce at any time of the year.

Imagine this – you're munching on vibrant greens in the dead of winter, and they've been harvested just down the road.

That’s the magic of local agriculture!

Speaking of local, location is key.

Devens is a strategic choice allowing rapid delivery to nearby grocery stores.

This isn't your ordinary farming plot; Little Leaf Farms utilizes efficient land use, boasting a 10-acre greenhouse facility that's smarter, not larger.

Here’s a fun fact – they can grow up to 30 times more lettuce than an equivalent field area!

What's the scoop on sustainability?

They're models of resource efficiency, using less water and space, and still churning out some of the best-tasting greens on the East Coast.

And just when you thought it couldn't get any greener, Little Leaf Farms raised a cool $90 million to boost their hydroponic farming ops.

Talk about planting the seeds of success!

The bottom line: If you're after fresh, eco-conscious salad fixings with a local twist, Little Leaf Farms has got your back, and then some.

Are you ready to try some of these leafy wonders?

Your salad bowl will thank you!


Brittany Melling

Brittany Melling

Brittany has been in the land business since 2020 when the world was starting to shut down. Since then, we’ve sold to dozens of people from ATV weekend warriors to camping enthusiasts to retired truck drivers. Our inventory spans mostly in the western United States. We’ve been trained by experience, land acquisition courses, and hundreds of hours meeting with county assessors and clerks, zoning officials, realtors, and land investors. We’ve answered hundreds of questions from people regarding the buying and use of land.

Read More About Brittany Melling