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The price of raw, undeveloped land can vary from country to state and country. How much does an acre of undeveloped land cost in Llano County, Texas?
Knowing the price per acre of raw land can be pretty important when trying to plan to buy undeveloped land. Pricing changes, of course, make it more difficult to budget too.
Land in Llano County Texas costs an average of $26,450 per acre for raw, undeveloped land. The price is relatively low for the area, though prices have overall risen in the last few years and are expected to continue to rise.
We'll explore the price of law land from multiple places including Llano County, Texas. We'll also look at what makes Llano County attractive as well as the prices for land in the state and area. Has the price per acre gone up or down in recent years?
We've done plenty of research on the price of land and will help you look at the numbers to see what it might cost to buy land in Llano County.
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How much per acre in Llano County?
While the answer is heavily dependent upon the land itself, the answer is around $26,450 per acre. A plot of land with already cultivated or in some way developed land, especially for farming or industrial will run for more per acre while land that doesn't have a specific, obvious use yet or is considered harder to get to and develop will cost less.
Has the price of land in Texas changed?
Yes, the price of land in Texas has mostly gone up. Since 2020, the price per acre is up about 25% total, and has slowly gone up 1 to 2 percent per quarter for several years. The lowest price in recent years was after the 2008 and 2009 housing crisis when land prices went down by about 7%.
Why buy undeveloped land in Texas and Llano County?
Texas is a very big state. The total square mileage of Texas is over a quarter of a million miles and over 171 million square acres. You'll also find that Texas nearly over a half million acres of undeveloped land for sale at a time on average, which is offers plenty of opportunity for people looking to make their own plot of land for a farm or other purposes.
Llano earned the nickname the “Deer Capital of Texas”for having an abundance of white tailed deer during hunting season. For the relatively small city of about 5,000, you might have up to 8,000 deer available. Having land in Llano is a good way to have private access to your own hunting lands, and eventually a freezer full of meat.
Where is Llano County, Texas?
Llano County is right in the middle of Texas. The city and county are located northwest of Austin and straight north of San Antonio. While Texas is a very large state to drive through, being right in the middle makes other big cities an equal distance away. The nearest population center of 50,000 or more is Killeen which is about an hour away, and the largest metropolitan area of 200,000 or more is Austin which is about an hour away as well. By Texas standards, this is a nice central location with clean water and green hills while still within a short drive of a very big city.
What are the lot sizes in Llano County?
The size of a lot in Llano County can vary significantly. At the moment, lot sizes can range from a quarter acre of what amounts to land for a regular home up to 400 acres that doesn't have any development or an address yet.
How big is Llano county Texas?
The whole county is about 966 square miles of land though it is relatively sparsely populated with 21,000 people. The population hasn't grown much over the last year at around 1%, as most large lots are for farms or industrial areas.
What is Llano County land best used for?
Llano County is best known for horses, hay production, and wild deer. Given the green pastures, land owners also tend to raise animals like goats and sheep, which can wander and eat natural grass on the prairies. You'll also likely see numerous farms for sale, ranging from farms that grow corn to those and raise livestock and everything in button.
You might also like to know that Llano County is popular amongst retirees, and the average age is more than 60 years old. This is largely because the county is a quiet, mostly peaceful place to settle for later years – and may also be a large reason for the number of plots of land for sale.
Given the average age, Llano county is also known for holding classic music festivals like the Opry and historical reenactments of the times before the area was more populated.
How much does it cost to develop land in Texas?
The good part of developing land in Texas is that there are many businesses around that offer land development – from placing utilities to excavating the earth. This makes the price lower as its more competitive – though the price is quite variable based on the location of the land and what you need done with it. Texas is overall lower in price because of the number of lots of land available.
Is Llano a good place to buy land?
The relatively low cost of land, plus the general peace in the area is very attractive to retirees and future farmers. We would suggest looking up the cost of land per acre closer to the time you actually buy to make sure these statements hold true.

Brittany Melling
Brittany has been in the land business since 2020 when the world was starting to shut down. Since then, we’ve sold to dozens of people from ATV weekend warriors to camping enthusiasts to retired truck drivers. Our inventory spans mostly in the western United States. We’ve been trained by experience, land acquisition courses, and hundreds of hours meeting with county assessors and clerks, zoning officials, realtors, and land investors. We’ve answered hundreds of questions from people regarding the buying and use of land.
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