10 Epic Survivalist Camp Setups for Outdoor Enthusiasts | askBAMLand

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Ever thought about going off-grid with style?

Imagine waking up to the sound of a mountain stream or the calmness of a dense forest; it's an outdoor enthusiast's dream and a thrilling challenge for survivalists.

Survivalist camping is more than just pitching a tent; it's creating a haven in the wild.

These setups provide security, sustainability, and a touch of ingenuity, turning primitive conditions into a cozy retreat.

Whether you're cuddling up in a snow-quilted winter camp or blending into the surroundings with a stealth setup, we've got the lowdown on how you can master the art of survivalist camping.

Trust us, we're the camping connoisseurs.

We've gathered the most epic survivalist camp setups that not only ensure your safety but also guarantee an incredible outdoor experience.

So, are you ready to elevate your camping game to be one with nature, within the urban jungle or a secluded forest hideaway?

Stay with us, and we'll show you how to craft the ultimate outdoor dwelling that whispers adventure and screams mastery.

Key Takeaways

  • Discover camping setups that combine comfort with survival.
  • Learn tips to make the wilderness feel like home.
  • Gain insights from expertly crafted survivalist camps.

Table of Contents

Bushcraft Camp Setup

Ever dreamed of building your own little wilderness hideaway?

Let's talk about crafting a bushcraft camp setup that's both epic and practical.

Bushcraft is all about getting back to basics and using natural materials, so let's roll up our sleeves and see how you can create a DIY wilderness home.

Location, Location, Location!

Start by picking a spot that's flat and has a good mix of sunlight and shade.

Too much sun?

You'll overheat.

Too much shade?

You might get cold.

Strike a balance and you're golden.

Keep water nearby, but not so close that you're inviting uninvited soggy, buggy guests.

Now, for the fun part: Shelter Building.

Got a tarp?


Use a simple lean-to design to keep things cozy.

Trees are your friends here—use sturdy branches to enhance your structure.

If you're feeling more ambitious, find some Y branches and get to work on a more elaborate debris hut.

Cooking Area - You're the chef in the wild, so set up a spot away from dry leaves (we don't want any unexpected fire shows, do we?).

Rocks make for a perfect natural barrier for your campfire.

Safety first, remember?

Tool Storage - Keep your tools high and dry.

Hang them up on branches or create a small nook using stones or wood.

You'll keep rust at bay and have everything within arm’s reach for when the crafting bug bites.

Remember, bushcraft is about improvisation and making do with what Mother Nature offers.

Embrace the challenge, and before you know it, you'll have a camp that's not just functional, but also a testament to your survival skills!

Mountain Top Shelter

Ever toyed with the idea of building your very own sky-high fortress?

Yes, a mountain top shelter – think breezy heights and jaw-dropping views!

If you're an outdoor enthusiast with a thirst for high-altitude adventure, this one's for your bucket list.

On a rocky pinnacle, you'll need to be a MacGyver.

Windbreaks are non-negotiable; those gusts aren't your buddies.

Scour the landscape for large rocks or fallen boulders to form a natural barrier.

It’s like a game of Tetris, but with rocks and your comfort at stake!

Now, let's talk about that bed of yours.

You definitely don't want to snuggle directly on the cold ground.

An elevated sleeping area is key.

Have you got a sturdy tarp or some branches?


A suspended bed is not only cool but also practical.

Think of it as your very own mountain hammock.

Don’t forget, finding flat terrain could be as rare as spotting a unicorn up here.

When you do find that golden spot, protect it!

Use a layer of insulating materials like leaves or pine needles beneath your sleeping setup.

It'll keep the cold at bay and ensure sweet dreams.

Remember, though, with great height comes great responsibility!

Keep your shelter simple and sturdy.

The last thing you want is for it to take flight – unless you're secretly aiming for a Peter Pan experience, which, let’s admit, would be quite the tale.

To sum it up, when you're up against the whims of the mountain:

  • Find natural windbreaks
  • Create an elevated sleeping area
  • Insulate the ground with natural materials
  • Keep it simple and secure

Who needs a five-star hotel when you’ve got a million-star setup, right?

Just be sure to leave no trace and keep that wilderness as pristine as when you found it.

Happy building!

Stealth Camp

Have you ever wanted to become invisible in the wilderness?

Stealth camping is all about blending in with your surroundings for a secret little getaway.

Picture this: A camouflaged shelter, tucked away from trails and far from the hustle and bustle.

You’re going to want to keep this setup small and discreet.

First things first, location is everything.

You'll need to be at least 100 feet from any water sources to prevent pollution, but close enough for water access.

Just be sure you're not setting up in potential flood zones like ravines.

Aim for a spot that's out of sight, off well-worn paths for that extra privacy.

Let's talk gear.

Keep it to the essentials but focus on items that reflect stealth:

  • Shelter: Opt for a low-visibility tent or, even better, a bivy bag which is compact and easier to conceal.
  • Color Scheme: Earthy tones such as greens, browns, and greys are your best buddies. Camouflage patterns? Even better!
  • Cooking: A simple, small stove that doesn’t produce much smoke will keep you incognito.

Remember that stealth camping thrives on the principle of leave no trace.

Whatever you bring in, you should take out.

Keep campfires out of the picture if you can, and make sure any waste is properly managed or packed out.

So, what’s the legality of all this?

On public lands like National Forests or BLM areas, you might be good for up to 14 days of dispersed camping in certain spots.

Always double-check local regulations – we’re going for stealth, not outlaw!

How does stealth camping sharpen your survivalist skills?

It's simple:

  • Enhances Adaptability: Finding and setting up a hidden campsite requires resourcefulness.
  • Improves Impact Awareness: Mindfulness of your environmental footprints heightens.
  • Strengthens Self-sufficiency: With minimal gear, you rely on your skills to thrive.

Why not give stealth camping a shot?

It’s a rewarding challenge that places you right in nature’s embrace.

Just remember to be smart, be safe, and leave no trace – happy camping!

Winter Survival Camp

Hey there, fellow cold-weather warrior!

Is the chill in your bones igniting a fire in your heart for an epic winter survival camping experience?

Well, you're in for a treat!

Winter camping isn't just about enduring the cold; it's about embracing it with the right setup.

Let's talk warmth and shelter – the dynamic duo of winter camping.

First up, shelter.

Think about a snow cave or an igloo.


They are natural insulators.

That thick snow acts like a blanket, keeping you toasty inside.

And let's not forget the classic, well-insulated tent.

Look for one with a sturdy frame and a snow skirt to ward off drifts.

Now, for the pivotal point – staying warm.

Ever heard of a heat bomb?

It's not as scary as it sounds.

Fill a bottle with hot water and snuggle it into your sleeping bag.

It’s like having a personal campfire, minus the flames!

And who likes to wake up for bathroom breaks?

Not me!

Try to reduce late-night trips by avoiding too much liquid before bed.

Trust me; it makes a difference.

Here's a quick checklist for your winter survival camp setup:

  • Insulated sleeping pad: Keep the ground chill at bay.
  • 4-season sleeping bag: It's like a bear hug that lasts all night.
  • Layered clothing: Think thermals and waterproof outer layers.
  • High-calorie snacks: Your body's furnace needs fuel to keep burning.

One last pro tip?

Embrace the cold by preparing for it.

Gear up, plan well, and remember, every breath of that crisp winter air is reminding you that you're alive and kicking!

So, zip up, venture out, and let's make this winter survival camp epic!

Desert Survival Camp

Ever set foot on a desert trail and wondered where you'd pitch your tent in that wide, sandy expanse?

Well, my friend, welcome to the art of desert survival camping.

Here, it's not just about finding your oasis; it’s about creating one.

First things first: Water is your best buddy out here.

You'll need to stock up more than you think.

How much, you ask?

Well, consider going beyond a couple of gallons per day.

That means drinking, cooking, and, yes, even a small splash to stay fresh.

No water fountains around here!

What about shelter, you wonder?

Opt for a heat-resistant tent.

Look for one with a reflective sun shield to bounce back those scorching rays.

And shade structures?

They're like your personal clouds.

Pop up a canopy or tarp to carve out your own cool spot.

No more chasing those rare patches of shadow, right?

Feeling inventive?

Catch those rare droplets with a water collection system.

Think rain-fly or tarp tricks to gather any morning dew – because every drop counts.

Night's rolling in, and you've seen this in movies: deserts get cold.

So, your gear should be dual-action – cool by day, cozy by night.

Pack a sleeping bag with a high lower-limit temperature rating.

Pro Tips:

  • Setup: Always on high ground to avoid surprise flash floods.
  • Weather Watch: Keep an eye on the skies; those clouds could mean business.

There's a certain magic to waking up to a desert sunrise, your survival camp snug around you.

Now, with your gear ready and your wits sharp, are you set to experience it?

Dust off your boots, outdoor enthusiast – adventure awaits!

Jungle Survival Camp

Ever thought about setting up your own haven in the jungle?

Well, you're in luck!

Creating an epic Jungle Survival Camp is a real adventure.

First things first, you'll want to stay off the ground to avoid the creepy crawlies.

Elevated platforms or hammocks are your best friends in these parts.

They not only offer a peaceful night's sleep away from insects but also come in handy during the rainy season.

Rain protection is crucial – think tarpaulins or waterproof canopies.

It's like putting a shield up between you and the sky's mood swings.

But hey, it's not all about staying dry; it's also about thriving, right?

Here's a pro tip: Set up a clever system for water collection.

You could rig gutters on your tarp that funnel rainwater into a sterilization container.

Voila, hydration sorted!

Now, to tackle the humidity.

The jungle likes to keep things steamy, so ensure good airflow in your camp setup.

You could string up your hammock to catch a breeze or use natural windbreaks to your advantage.

Here's a quick checklist to get you started:

  • Elevated Platform/Hammock: To sleep without bugs bothering you.
  • Waterproof Tarp: Overhead protection to keep the tropical showers at bay.
  • Water Collection System: Resourceful way to stock up on drinking water.
  • Good Airflow: Set up in a spot where you can enjoy the jungle's natural AC – the wind.

Remember, it's not just about surviving; it's about enjoying your jungle home away from home!

So, grab your gear, and let's turn this jungle into your personal Eden.

Happy camping!

Primitive Survival Camp

Hey there, outdoor aficionado!

Ever imagined crafting an entire camp with just your wits and what Mother Nature provides?

Welcome to the world of primitive survival camping, where your hands and natural materials are your best friends.

So, you're out in the wild.

What's your move for shelter?

Debris huts and lean-tos are your go-tos.

Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Debris Huts: These cozy abodes are made from branches and covered in forest litter. They’re perfect for insulation and staying dry. Just pile on leaves, ferns, or whatever the forests offer until you've got a solid little nest.
  • Lean-Tos: Prop some long branches against a downed tree or even a boulder, then thatch away with smaller twigs, leaves, or grass. It's a savior when rain clouds roll in!

But wait, there’s more!

Let's talk bushcraft skills:

  • Fire making: Can you get a spark using just sticks? It’s all about the technique, so practice that bow drill or fire plow.
  • Foraging: Identify those wild edibles – berries, nuts, leaves. It's like grocery shopping, only way more primal!
  • Water sourcing: Streams or dew collection, staying hydrated out here is a big deal.

Remember, it's about using what’s around you.

Got a sharp rock?

That's a cutting tool.

Fallen branches?

That’s the framework for your shelter.

It’s all about improvising.

Is this the ultimate way to connect with nature and challenge yourself?

You bet.

Will you walk away with a bunch of awesome skills?


So, are you ready to become the survivalist MVP on your next outdoor trek?

Time to rock that primitive camp!

Lakefront Survival Camp

Ever dreamt of waking up to the gentle lapping of water on a lake shore, with nothing but your wits and gear to keep you cozy?

Well, a lakefront survival camp might just be your ticket to an unforgettable outdoor adventure.

Imagine fishing for your dinner as the sun sets, surrounded by nature's beauty — sounds pretty great, doesn't it?

First things first, let's talk shelter.

You'll want something sturdy yet cozy, a tent that can be anchored securely into the ground with a view of the water.

Pro tip: A reflective tarp can double as a heat reflector during those chilly lakefront nights.

  • Tents: High-quality, weather-resistant, with a rain fly.
  • Tarps: UV-protective and reflective.

Fishing gear is next on the list.

Whether you're a spinner or a fly fisher, make sure your tackle box is full and your skills are sharp.

Lakes are rich with fish like trout and bass, so choose your bait or lures accordingly.

  • Rods: Opt for versatility; medium-action rods are great.
  • Bait: Live bait, if available, or the highest quality artificial you can find.

Got water?

While being by a lake means water is abundant, it’s not necessarily clean.

Remember, your health is key.

Invest in a solid water purification system or tablets, and keep hydrated without worry.

  • Purification: Filters, UV purifiers, or chemical tablets.

Here's the deal: being prepared is everything.

Arm yourself with knowledge about the local flora and fauna; you never know when it might come in handy.

And who knows?

With the right setup, your lakefront survival camp could be more than a weekend getaway — it could be the ultimate test of your survival skills.

So, ready to take the plunge?

Forest Survival Camp

Hey there, wilderness warrior!

Let's talk about setting up the ultimate Forest Survival Camp.

Picture this: towering trees, the scent of pine in the air, and a camp that's both cunningly concealed and comfy.

Ready to transform into a savvy survivalist?

First things first, Shelter: You're going to need a sturdy one.

How about a log cabin?

Use those tall, strong trees to your advantage.

It's the forest's offering of an all-natural building block.

Get your hands dirty, find the right logs, and start constructing!

Don't forget to thatch a roof with forest foliage to keep cozy during those wet and wild nights.

Feeling adventurous?

Tree shelters are a real Tarzan move and a fantastic way to stay above any ground critters.

Use solid branches to create a platform, and cover up with leaves for that stealthy hideaway look.

It's not just about surviving; it's about thriving!

Now, here's the kicker: Natural camouflage is your secret weapon.

The forest is a treasure trove - use branches, moss, and leaves to blend your camp into the surroundings, like a chameleon.

This way, you're not just another camper; you're part of the forest.

Essentials for Your Camp:

  • Water: Find a stream or collect rainwater.
  • Fire: Can't skip this one! Create a pit and keep it smokeless to remain incognito.
  • Food: Forage and hunt, but know your berries and mushrooms – no accidental psychedelic trips, okay?
  • Tools: A good bushcraft knife, paracord, and a means to grill.

Remember, it's all about being resourceful and respectful to nature.

When the forest gives you logs, build a cabin.

When it gets chilly, snuggle up in your tree shelter.

Laugh in the face of danger – you've got forest smarts!

And with these tips, your Forest Survival Camp is not just a camp; it's a monument to your outdoor prowess.

Stay wild!

Urban Survival Camp

Ever fancied becoming an urban Robinson Crusoe?

In the maze of city streets, your survival camp setup is quite the adventure.

You might find yourself weaving through the remnants of once bustling downtown or sneaking into a serene suburban hideout.

It's about being smart, unconventional, and resourceful.

First things first: Shelter is your priority.

Abandoned buildings can provide a sturdy hideaway—think warehouses or quiet office blocks.

Got a tarp or a sturdy piece of canvas?

Make your own modest abode between two sturdy structures.

Remember, visibility is low-key; you want to stay unnoticed and safe.

Next up, let’s chat essentials:

  • Water: Stash a bottle or two of that precious H2O, okay? Look for functional spigots or collect rainwater. Every drop counts.
  • Food: Canned goods are your new best pals; they're like the unsung heroes of sustenance.
  • Power: A hand-crank flashlight can brighten up the darkest of days. No batteries needed!
  • Warmth: Layers, my friend. And keep a lookout for safe ways to stay cozy. Hand warmers? Yes, please.

Bet you're wondering about safety:

  • Sturdy locks: Lock up your urban oasis.
  • Awareness: Keep those peepers peeled and ears tuned. Knowledge is power.
  • Gear up: Multitools, a reliable compass, and some basic first aid gear are non-negotiable.

And how about community?

It might be a solo journey, but a friendly face can be a game-changer.

Share skills, stories, and maybe a meal.

In this concrete jungle, you're the craftsman of your domain—building, adapting, and thriving.

Remember, urban survival isn't just about enduring; it's about living smart in the heart of the city.

So, how about it?

Ready to tackle urban survival like a pro?


Brittany Melling

Brittany Melling

Brittany has been in the land business since 2020 when the world was starting to shut down. Since then, we’ve sold to dozens of people from ATV weekend warriors to camping enthusiasts to retired truck drivers. Our inventory spans mostly in the western United States. We’ve been trained by experience, land acquisition courses, and hundreds of hours meeting with county assessors and clerks, zoning officials, realtors, and land investors. We’ve answered hundreds of questions from people regarding the buying and use of land.

Read More About Brittany Melling