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Farmland can be a great investment, and knowing where to purchase is essential - not just for how it is used, but for where you can get the most for your money.
We’ll look at the top 15 states to buy cheap farmland in the United States, including the average cost per acre and what crops you can grow. The top five options are:
- Montana
- Wyoming
- Oklahoma
- North Dakota
- Nevada
We hope this information will help you make a sound investment as you consider where to buy your next plot of farmland.
Key Takeaways
- The cost of an acre farm land can vary by state, so getting the most for your money is essential.
- Different areas can grow different kinds of produce, which will affect your return on investment.
- Northwestern and Midwest states typically have the cheapest available farm land.
- Southern states also have reasonably priced farm land that you can consider.
Table of Contents
Where to Buy the Cheapest Farm Land in the USA
As always, check with a local real estate agent and compare prices for comparable lots to ensure you’re getting the best value for your purchase. We’ll look at average farmland prices by acre in each state, and what you can grow in each state.
Montana has cheaper average prices for the sale of an acre of farmland than anywhere else in the country, and the good news is there’s plenty of it. Agriculture is the top industry for the state of Montana, and large quantities of available land make this state an excellent investment if you’re thinking about places to buy new farmland.
The average cost for an acre of farmland in Montana is between $800 and $900.
What Can You Grow in Montana?
Crops that perform well in this state include wheat, peas, sugar beets, and hay.
Also, sheep and cattle thrive in this climate, so ranching for beef, lamb, and wool would be another great way to use your Montana farm land.
In addition to great value and low costs by acre, Wyoming has no state income tax and low property taxes that are cheaper than most rates across the country. Everything from farming to ranching to trees for forestry is at your disposal depending on which parcel of land you choose.
The price range per acre for Wyoming farmland is between $750 and $1200.
What Can You Grow in Wyoming?
The eastern side of the state has the best soil. Staple grain crops like corn, barley, and wheat will do well here.
The western side of the state is perfect for timber farming.
Additionally, raising livestock is another ideal option in Wyoming’s wide open spaces.
Oklahoma has consistently ranked in the top five states in the nation for the number of farms in operation. They also have a strong export market to various parts of Asia and Europe, meaning you’ll always have customers investing in your crops.
The price range per acre for Oklahoma farmland is between $1100 and $1200.
What Can You Grow in Oklahoma?
Ranch and pasture land for raising cattle is a common land use in the state; and plants like wheat, rye, and pecans also perform well too.
North Dakota
Even though it is one of the most remote states, North Dakota should not be ignored when it comes to your decision to invest in farmland. The soil is versatile and the land by acre is plentiful, and with farm land being cheaper than most other locations the possibilities are endless.
The price range per acre for North Dakota farmland is between $1100 and $1200.
What Can You Grow in North Dakota?
As with many Midwestern states, wheat and cattle will do well in North Dakota. Additional staples like beans and oats can be grown effectively too.
Nevada is not just home to Las Vegas and Area 51 - it’s also home to some of the largest farm sites in the country. Most of the state might be desert land, but there are well-watered pockets of farm land that can produce quality crops for great investing value.
The sale value of an acre of farmland in Nevada farmland is around $1200.
What Can You Grow in Nevada?
Alfalfa seeds are a real winner for Nevada farms, and there are several large-scale production facilities that process pork products.
When you think of the Midwest, you likely think of rolling plains rich for farming. Land buyers in the Sunflower State will find scenes like that everywhere, with nearly 90% of state land used for farming purposes.
Kansas also boasts a solid infrastructure to transport those goods anywhere you need to.
The average cost of an acre of farmland in Kansas is around $1400.
What Can You Grow in Kansas?
Kansas is a top national producer of wheat and grain, and cattle farming is also a prominent fixture of the state’s economy.
The second largest state in the Union is also one of the best for farms. Farmers and ranchers alike benefit from key tax breaks to make their work more affordable, and despite its size the state has a highly accessible infrastructure for transportation of crops and goods.
The average cost of an acre of Texas farmland is around $1500.
What Can You Grow in Texas?
Cattle and beef are eponymous symbols of the Lone Star State - longhorn cattle are a football mascot as well as a widely available commodity for the state.
Additionally, the warmer climates make this state a great place for cotton production as well.
New Mexico
New Mexico not only takes advantage of its available farmland for agriculture and ranching. It parlays that success into agritourism and education, as well as supporting efforts by farmers to invest in direct-to-consumer processing. All of this makes agriculture in the Land of Enchantment a sound business investment.
The average cost per acre for New Mexico farmland is around $1500.
What Can You Grow in New Mexico?
New Mexico ranks first in the nation for growing pecans and chile peppers.
The thriving cattle industry also creates a strong market for dairy products, which are the state’s number one export.
Louisiana is home to a majority of America’s wetlands, and some of the longest coastlines as well. Understandably, crops that do well in well-irrigated soil do well, and the fishing industry is also a top performer.
The average sale price for an acre of Louisiana farmland is around $2000.
What Can You Grow in Louisiana?
Louisiana is the national leader in seafood cultivation such as shrimp, oysters, and crawfish.
They are also well-known for crops like rice, corn, sugarcane, and soybeans. Another staple of the state’s agricultural industry is Tabasco peppers.
New York
New York may seem off the beaten path for farmland, but don’t be fooled into thinking that the Empire State is only home to skyscrapers and Broadway. Farm land is surprisingly affordable in this large northwestern state, and can offer land suitable for different crops than other places in the country.
The average cost per acre for New York farmland is around $2000.
What Can You Grow in New York?
Crops like apples and cabbage perform well across New York, and cheese production is a staple of the dairy industry. In addition, the state boasts a rich heritage in winemaking and growing grape vineyards.
Being part of the deep south definitely has its advantages when it comes to the decision to invest in farming. Arkansas sits right on the Mississippi River, giving it a solid water table to provide rich irrigation for farm land.
The sale price for an acre of Arkansas farmland is around $2000.
What Can You Grow in Arkansas?
Plants like rice and soybeans thrive in Arkansas’ wet topography, as well as crops like cotton and grains. Poultry farms are also a staple of the state economy.
Washington is right on the Pacific Coast, which is perfect for those hoping to buy farm land by bustling trade centers. It also has the perfect rainy climate for lots of different crops.
The average cost per acre for Washington farmland is around $2000.
What Can You Grow in Washington?
Lots of fruits can be grown in the state of Washington, but potatoes and onions do particularly well. The state is also known for its ability to grow hops, wheat, and hay. You can also make use of pasture land for cattle here.
Agriculture accounts for 30% of Mississippi’s job market, and the namesake of the Mississippi River is similar to Arkansas in its proximity to great sources of irrigation.
The average cost per acre for Mississippi farmland is around $2000.
What Can You Grow in Mississippi?
Traditional southern staples like cotton, corn, and soybeans do very well on Mississippi land. Furthermore, the state is home to some of the greatest ongoing innovations and research in farming these crops and more.
South Dakota
The cost of farm land may be average compared to other states, but buying farm land in South Dakota will lead to higher income due to large farm size and lower pollution due to a statewide commitment to land conservation.
The average cost for an acre of South Dakota farmland is between $2000 and $2100.
What Can You Grow in South Dakota?
Major field crops like corn perform well in tracts of land across this state, and cattle is another reliable industry.

Brittany Melling
Brittany has been in the land business since 2020 when the world was starting to shut down. Since then, we’ve sold to dozens of people from ATV weekend warriors to camping enthusiasts to retired truck drivers. Our inventory spans mostly in the western United States. We’ve been trained by experience, land acquisition courses, and hundreds of hours meeting with county assessors and clerks, zoning officials, realtors, and land investors. We’ve answered hundreds of questions from people regarding the buying and use of land.
Read More About Brittany Melling